Thursday, February 28, 2019

Frye Festival

Image result for fyre festival

Dr. K posted a link to Fyre Festival's business packet, outlining all of the interesting, cool, hip, and up-and-coming aspects to this new music festival. It was to be hosted on an island in the Bahamas and they had gotten some of the top models in the world to advertise for it. At the same time that I saw this posted in our Blackboard site, I had also just finished watching the documentary on Netflix that explained everything they were trying to do, got away with, and failed at.

Initially, I had no idea what this event was. I heard a buzz about it on social media, but I'm not really into music festivals, nor can I afford to attend one as lavish as this seemed to be. Yet, I was intrigued to learn about their downfall and what was expected to be created. From the film, I learned that Billy (the head of the entire operation) had created a music festival concept, got the top models to advertise it, and got people to pay and sign up to attend, without ever actually planning the festival. Once Billy and the team realized that people were coming, they began to plan for the festival but quickly realized that it was going to cost them billions of more dollars than they expected and they were short on funds, plus they only had 6-8 weeks to put it together, which was not enough time. Furthermore, they had promised people lodging, yachts, and food and because they were on an island, they were unable to actually create what they had intended or thought they could create. These men were so focused on the social media presence and the press that they never actually thought through planning the entire festival (set for several thousand people) and ended up hurting their customers (who actually showed up to mud pit lodging), the Bahamians (who helped them night and day to create everything and never got paid), and the other business people (who had no idea what was actually going on and worked every day to put this festival on). It was the definition of a train wreck and honestly, sad to watch because so many good people were hurt.

From Billy and the team's initial advertising, they did an amazing job. Their video editing, Instagram feed, and business plan were impressive, intellectual, and clean. They had really thought through the image they wanted to portray and they nailed it on the head. This was proven by the fact that they sold out of the festival in a few days, even the $250,000 yacht spots were sold out. People went wild over their advertising. Their video made others want to be there and want to have an experience like they saw. This clearly shows the huge impact social media has on society and society's reaction to clear-cut, enticing products. If anything is to be learned from this experience (besides the obvious failure of the actual festival) it is that people respond positively to platforms that give them what they want to hear and see. People want a life they can edit on social media and giving them chances like Fyre festival is the perfect window to creating the perfect social media life most people are trying to conceive on their own. While I do not condone the heartache and career breaking actions of Billy and his team, I do congratulate him on a well done social media endeavor. He got what he wanted... and also what he did not (he's in jail).


Reality: Image result for fyre festival

Monday, February 25, 2019

“Situational Editing: A Rhetorical Approach for the Technical Editor” by Mary Fran Buehler

Image result for rhetoric

“Situational Editing: A Rhetorical Approach for the Technical Editor” by Mary Fran Buehler, focuses on the argument of whether to edit something grammatically or situationally. As an editor works with a writer, they begin to bridge the gap from writer to reader. The editor is also considered a reader during this stage and has to consider what edit will best represent the work and its meaning. Going against the grammatical edit, Buehler gives examples when rhythm and significance play a more important role than a straightforward, direct sentence. She notes how the best editors work with writers in real time to help with the conciseness of the piece. Overall, Buehler confirms that the situation of the writing is the most important editing viewpoint to deliver the best content, while grammar comes second.

Listening to Beuhler’s argument really struck me because as a high school teacher, I have to teach the grammar component, but then while I am conferencing or grading student work I consider the situation they are in. I also consider their ability and compare that with their product. Buehler gives strong examples, including writing/editing an acknowledgment, that prove how situational editing is more important than grammatical editing. That example really stuck with me because in some senses, I feel that Buehler focuses on situational tone. It is always important to remember what section one is writing or to whom they are writing for. That in itself creates a situation where the editor can “loosen” up or put proper grammar to the side. While in opposition, a technical document needs grammatical structure to be taken seriously.

When defining the two sides, Buehler outlines, “‘Follow these rules,’ says Grammar, ‘and you will always be correct.’” while the other side states, “‘Consider the individual situation,’ says Rhetoric, ‘and you may be able to communicate effectively’” (459). Not only do I agree with these relaxed definitions, but they are the two sides my head argues every time I am writing or editing. Following rules is important when it comes to equalizing your work to a readable level, but if it does not fit the scenario it is meant for, what is its purpose? There is a fine line between these two mediums that if crossed too far to one side can ruin the intention, meaning, or readability. At the very beginning of this discussion, Buehler notes how the word “rhetoric” is used as a synonym for language in the news. Misunderstanding the definition of rhetoric from “solid achievement” to just “language” hints at how many times writers have crossed the grammar vs. rhetoric line (458). This is where editors need to step in and gracefully correct writers to equalize their grammar usage without forgoing their situation.

Buehler defined writing using two important sides: grammar and rhetoric. As editors evolve, they must learn to follow the thin line between the two and help writers become successful at both.
Image result for rhetoric

Thursday, February 14, 2019

"Conversations with a Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes" on Netflix

Image result for Conversations with a Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes | Official Trailer [HD] | Netflix

As I was researching information about "Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile" for the Media project, the Netflix docuseries about Ted Bundy also kept popping up. This docuseries was also produced by Joe Berlinger but instead of following people close to Ted, it actually follows and catalogs Ted Bundy. I decided to watch the series because I've been so interested in everything surrounding the Bundy controversy and found the series to be creepy, real, and informative.

This series begins with interviews from Ted Bundy while he was on death row, hoping that Ted would describe what he had done and who he really was. Before I watched this series, I did not understand the length of Ted's crimes. I understood that he was a serial killer and said to look "normal." While watching the series I was shocked and flabbergasted at what he was able to accomplish so easily, sneakily, and cruelly. It seemed so impossible that he was able to carry out all of these murders in different states, escape prison twice, and still have people love him. From watching the series I gained a greater understanding of the lack of technology and resources during this time and the use of the new descriptor: serial killer.

From watching these tapes, I was able to see why there was such an outroar from the public over "Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile." From first glance, the media does not need to mortalize Ted Bundy's name any further, he does not deserve to be remembered- those girls and woman do. But what I think these two films are positively doing is to inform audiences how unsafe people can be and to be careful and watchful of who you let into your life. After watching the Ted Bundy tapes on Netflix, I am more excited than ever to see "Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile." While the idea of Bundy scares me and has made me even more aware of my surroundings, I am intrigued to see how Zac Efron portrays him and the other facts I will learn.

"Conversations with a Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes" on Netflix Trailer

Image result for many faces of ted bundy

Friday, February 8, 2019

Homework Activity- "What is 'Open Heart Surgery'?"

Image result for medical documents what is open heart surgery
Analysis of a Medical Document 

What is the origin of the document?

To inform people what open heart surgery really is and answer the question without having to ask the doctor.

What impact should the document have?

The impact of this document should be informational and define, in simple terms, what open heart surgery is as quickly as possible. After reading this, people should feel comfortable about the information and feel informed.

Who are the readers of the document? What is their previous knowledge? What is their emotional state?

The readers of this document are patients and family members of patients. Most of these readers will have little to no previous knowledge of open heart surgery, unless they themselves have gone through it. They will have a high emotional state and want to be calmed through information.

What will the readers use the document for?

The readers will use the document to make sense of the procedure they are going through and to help them understand what the doctor is talking about.

What cultures might the readers belong to that might affect the document’s interpretation?

Cultures that do not think asking questions is respectful would find this document aggravating because it does not truly inform the reader of anything and then they would get frustrated because they would not understand the doctor.

What accessibility issues might the document have?

The document is not very large font for people that wear glasses or cannot see very well. Because it is also written, the blind cannot be informed. For readers who are not proficient in reading, they would struggle with the vocabulary and back and forth between professional and relaxed tone.

What constraints do you think there are on development and production?

I think it would be hard to always print out the most up to date information because of cost and time. It would also be hard to print this on a smaller scale because there’s a lot of information.

If you were the document’s editor, how would you revise it? Could you cut it down to one sentence?

If I were the editor, I would bullet point the information and bold the terms with unbolded definitions to follow. I would use a list format for easy reading and while one sentence would not be enough, I would cut this 2 page document down to postcard size.

Social Media Re-branding Project Update


   -7.7/10 rating by 406 IMDb users

   -notes the length of film, director, writer, actors, summary

   -shows videos of interviews and trailer

Analysis: Overall this is a basic IMDb overview of the movie and will help most people who want quick information.


   -no specific profile for the film

   -other news reporters are posting about it and created a hashtag or tagging the actors/director

   -actors and director

Analysis: The film should create a personal instagram account to post videos, photos, and information so that people are properly informed. This would also help to correct information bias and miscommunication currently surrounding the film.


   -no specific twitter profile for the film

   -actors and director post information, links, photos, videos to promote the movie for sundance

   -they do not use the hashtag when talking about the film

   -popular hashtag: #extremelywickedshockinglyevilandvile

Analysis: **same as instagram**  It should also be mentioned that Joe Berlinger, the director, does a wonderful job of updating his twitter feed with correct information by reposting articles, positive tweets, and videos.

Facebook Account:

   -all posts are in 2018 with a few in January

   -very random postings, most up to date posts tag the netflix docuseries

   -9,368 people like this

   -9,537 people follow this

   -most comments show excitement and want information on when and where they can view the film

Analysis: There is no up-to-date information regarding the film. They need to start posting again to inform the audience of what is going on and what has occured since sundance film festival.

Articles Related to Extremely Wicked Shockingly Evil and Vile:

News about viewing:
Zac Efron's New Ted Bundy Film Was Just Purchased By Netflix for $9 Million

I Saw Zac Efron's Ted Bundy Movie—It's Not What You Think

Sundance Film Festival Buzz:
The Best Movies To Emerge From Sundance 2019

Sundance Film Review: Zac Efron in ‘Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile’

Analysis: Most of the buzz is focused around Zac Efron as an actor. They should use this by reposting articles through social media sites to keep the public engaged.