Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Social Media Rebranding Project Reflection

Image result for person thinking
On Tuesday I presented over “Extremely Wicked, Shocking Evil, and Vile” social media presence. I had a blast preparing for this presentation and analyzing the social effects of this film. My initial interest in Ted Bundy and his effect on the world exploded into the interest of publicizing parallel stories, such as his ex-girlfriend Liz in the film by Joe Berlinger.

Through completing the research for this presentation, it gave me a deeper insight into the depths social media can go to. It also showed me how much effort and work it would be to maintain a solid social media presence while also creating a film. While Sundance is a huge honor, it can be very closed off from the rest of the world. Filmmakers need to consider the effects poor social media presence can have on the popularity of their film after Sundance.

As I looked over “Extremely Wicked, Shocking Evil, and Vile” social media presence, I was disappointed. So I decided to create steps that would help them stay relevant and publish positive press. The first step I suggested seemed very obvious to me, which was to create social media accounts for the website and then post on them regularly. I think this in itself would build a large following and answer questions of the public. Initially, this will feel like a small push but then will become the main center for communicating with viewers and pushing out information they want populated, instead of allowing other news sources to create a negative narrative of the film.

Overall, this project gave me true insight into what it would take to change the narrative or increase the views of a film. I believe my presentation itself went well. The class seemed very receptive of what I was trying to communicate and I am proud of what I was able to create.


  1. I thought your presentation went very well! I really enjoyed learning more about the film and its social media presence. I thought it was very surprising that Efron did not take on a larger role promoting the film.

  2. You did a fine job of creating recommendations that might help the film gain a wider audience AND address some of the worries about its ethos. Well done!
